React native visual studio code tutorial
React native visual studio code tutorial

This tutorial only covers iOS, but once you’ve learned the concepts here you could port that knowledge into creating an Android app very quickly. The goal is to learn-once (the React way) and write-anywhere. It’s goal isn’t to write the code once and run it on any platform. React Native brings the React paradigm to mobile app development. Your UI is simply a function of the current app state.

  • Additionally (unlike Titanium), React introduces a novel, radical and highly functional approach to constructing user interfaces.
  • It doesn’t have the drawbacks typically associated with a hybrid HTML5 app.
  • (Unlike PhoneGap) with React Native your code may be written in JavaScript but the app’s UI is fully native.
  • react native visual studio code tutorial

    What makes React Native different from other frameworks such as PhoneGap (Apache Cordova) or Appcelerator Titanium, that use JavaScript to create iOS apps? In this React Native tutorial you’ll learn how to build native apps based on the hugely popular React JavaScript library.

    react native visual studio code tutorial react native visual studio code tutorial

    The previous tutorial was written by iOS Team member Tom Elliot. Update note: This tutorial has been updated to React Native 0.50, Xcode 9, and iOS 11 by Christine Abernathy.

    React native visual studio code tutorial